Covington, GA | (770) 312-7542



Stay Safe While Riding Your Dirt Bike

Riding a dirt bike on a course or through an open space can be liberating and exciting. Whether you consider yourself a dirt bike riding professional or you're just learning, safety should be of the utmost importance. There are several safety precautions you need to take into account before going out for a ride. D&M Marketing in Covington has some safety tips to help you get ready to go.

Wear the Right Gear

Wearing the right gear while your ride can help prevent dangerous situations and can help you stay safe in case of an accident. Make sure to wear a proper size helmet every time you go out on your dirt bike. If your helmet doesn't have a visor to protect your eyes, make sure you wear goggles as well. It is important that you always wear long pants, gloves, a long sleeve shirt and close toed shoes. Proper padding on your knees, shoulders and chest is also recommended.

Take a Safety Course

Some states require that you take a course before being allowed to ride a dirt bike in public areas. Even if it's not required, it is strongly recommended. A safety course will teach you how to maneuver your bike properly while out riding. You can also learn about bike maintenance in order to keep your bike in good shape and make sure it's safe to ride.

Avoid Riding in Bad Conditions

Even if you have a lot of experience riding dirt bikes, you should still avoid riding in bad conditions. Avoid going on rides when the weather is bad and creates dangerous terrain. Try not to ride in rainy conditions that can cause dangerous muddy terrain. Stay away from steep hills and any conditions you think may be beyond your abilities.

Synthetic Oil in Covington

D&M Marketing in Covington can provide you with all your AMSOIL needs. Check out our online shop for the highest quality������������synthetic oils, lubricants and other AMSOIL products. If you have questions or would like to place an order, contact us at (770) 312-7542.